Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We needed a recipe for crepes. Because we had Nutella, naturally. It was very delicious (although, I'm not going to lie, I probably couldn't tell if it was a "good" crepe or a "bad" crepe).

Crepes. Photo by Chef*Lee
Photo Credit to
1 cup flour
1 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon salt

Combine flour, milk, eggs, and oil. Add salt.

Heat a lightly greased 6 inch skillet; remove from heat.

Spoon in 2 Tbsp batter; lift and tilt skillet to spread evenly.

Return to heat; brown on one side only.

To remove, invert pan over paper toweling.

Repeat with remaining batter.

Fill with your favorite filling.

Here's a few we like: Any flavor fruit jam, sweetened fresh peaches, cream cheese and pineapple, ham and maple syrup.

Endless ideas.

Recipe Source:

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