Saturday, February 8, 2014

{Copycat} Orange Julius

We have made this recipe over and over. It's delightful, but I'm not really sure how close it is to the original because I'm too cheap to buy one. But this is so good that I just don't need the original.
Orange Julius from
Photo Credit to Favorite Family Recipes
Orange Julius
Serves 3-4 adults
1 can (6oz) frozen orange juice concentrate
1 c. milk
1 c. water
1/4 c. sugar
2-3 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
about 10-11 ice cubes

In a blender, blend all ingredients except ice. Slowly add ice cubes one at a time until it reaches a “smoothie” consistency. Serve immediately.
(*If you are adding frozen fruit, add a little at a time BEFORE adding ice cubes. If using fresh fruit, add at the very beginning when you are blending everything else.)

Recipe Source: Favorite Family Recipes

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