Friday, February 7, 2014

Sticky Chex Mix

Oh my. I love this stuff. Every time I get around it, I lose all willpower and seriously eat all of it. I just made a batch and I think the rest of my family had around 3 cups in total. I ate the rest. Yes I am disgusting, and yes, I love it. I have had some buttery versions of this, but that is why I love this version, not too buttery. Hallelujah.

Sticky Chex Mix
6 1/2 c. Rice Chex
4 1/2 c. Golden Grahams
1 c. sliced almonds
2 c. coconut
Optional: M&Ms, Reeses pieces, anything else your little heart desires
3/4 c. (1 1/2 sticks) real butter
1 c. sugar
1 c. light Karo syrup
1 tsp. vanilla

In a VERY LARGE bowl, combine cereal, almonds, and coconut {just an FYI, I just used whatever cereal I had to made 11 cups mixed together}. Set aside. In a large saucepan, combine butter, Karo syrup, and sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and cook for three minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. While the mixture is still hot, pour over the cereal mixture and stir well so the candy mixture coats the cereal. Serve in a large bowl or divide into individual portions.

Recipe Source: Slightly adapted from Our Best Bites

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